Regulating the growth of Fintech

For one to state that the advent of Financial Technology, now commonly referred to as Fintech, has changed how things are done in the financial sector lately is an understatement. It is a disrupter, which is challenging the long-held traditional banking methods of reaching and serving clientele to the extent of threatening to push them into oblivion. Rapid innovation has led to the proliferation of new products hitting the market challenging the status quo. Lately, the telecommunication sector and the financial sector appear to be working as conjoined twins - a situation necessitated by the advent of Fintech. Despite the advantages of this synergy, the pace of innovation in the traditional financial services sector as we know it appears to be slower than what is happening with their counterparts. The latter are leveraging on their well-established networks, well spread out infrastructure for convenience, and ease of access to larger numbers enabling them to rake in more bus...