The Kenyanese Option

The Chinese Communist Party during the week starting 1st of July 2021 held celebrations to mark 100 years of communist rule and the success of their socialist agenda. Everything looks solid with many remarkable achievements. Reports indicate that within the past approximately 40 years they have managed to pull close to 800 million of their citizens out of extreme poverty, a figure almost three times the population of America or 75% that of Africa with a count of about 1.2 billion people. As the second world war ended, they were almost comparable to a basket case. The country has come a long way while continuously being vilified by the west for the lack of transparency and human rights abuses. China is now the second-largest economy in the world behind the USA. When considering its huge population then the GDP per capita places it amongst the middle upper-income economy countries. The Chinese number is about 1.4 billion in population and in the recent past few decades has averaged ...