The Credit Decision

The term debt when used by corporations is commonly referred to as leverage. According to the Oxford dictionary, leverage is the use of debt(borrowed capital) to undertake an investment or project. When one refers to a company, property, or investment as ‘’highly leveraged’’, it means that the item has more debt than equity. The term is hardly used when reference is made to retail or consumer lending. When an individual borrower is accessing credit, reference is only made to the level of indebtedness and not leverage since equity or capital does not apply. Taking on good debt should not be a source of concern as long as the decision was well-thought-out. It is bad debt that every client should strive to avoid as there is every likelihood of ending up in default and the consequences thereof. It has to be acknowledged that all human beings both educated and illiterate have got some level of credit skills because they at one time or another will make a lending or borrowing decision. This ...