Comments on the Proposed Kenya Development Bank Draft Bill 2020

I feel greatly privileged as a member of the public in taking this opportunity to make my comments on the above. I do realize that the main objective is to unlock our potential as a country, enable investment and create an enabling business environment for sustainable economic growth. The stage we are in as a country requires that we rely more on the private sector for growth. Much has been done to remove most of the legal obstacles that hinder our entrepreneurs from being able to do more, but the finance area which is key to unlocking capital for investment has not been explored to the full. The time has come for us to put in place the prerequisite structures that will catapult us to the next level and give us a competitive edge as Kenyans. One of these enablers is the creation of a Development bank as you have wisely proposed. Having worked in the financial services sector for not less than 25 years, I have witnessed firsthand some of the challenges and obstacles faced by our busines...